Getting a website is no more an optional luxury! From individuals and sole proprietor to small and medium businesses to large enterprises, everyone needs it. Web hosting or Internet hosting service is the space allocated on the Web for files, technologies and services of your website.

Web hosting is fundamental, and everything else is built on the top of it. It makes your website accessible to users via the Internet.

SpireWeb Solutions provides powerful, scalable and reliable hosting service depending upon the needs of your website. We take into account factors including reliability and up-time, ease of handling, features like one-click installer, file manager, backup and DNS management, and off course pricing and guide you to go with the right web hosting. We build the site and successfully host it with the hosting service provider.

How Does Web Hosting Contribute to Digital Success?

Website Uptime

The capability of your web hosting has an impact on the performance and availability of your website. Both are important determinants of a good user experience on any device – big or small. Users are most likely to abandon a website that doesn’t respond well.

Website Security

Your website holds significant amount of data including content that you post for user engagement, information of your customers or subscribers including personal and financial, and much more. A secure web hosting protects them against any data breach.

Website Backup

Regular data backup is a must for your website. It builds resilience and helps you recover from any data loss or other issues. We assess the backup features and technologies available with the web hosting service provider before choosing the right one.

Consistent UX

Consistency in user experience means a lot to your users and the Google. It drives engagement and helps you rank higher on Google or any search engine. Improved SEO ranking helps you get more traffic and business, thereby realizing your ROI objectives.

Popular Web Hosting Options

Shared Web Hosting

If you want an economical website hosting for your website, shared web hosting is the way forward. You share the resources of the web server with other website owners. It’s similar to sharing a room with your roommates. The load on other websites may influence the availability of resources for yours, and vice versa.

VPS Hosting

In VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting, the web server is divided into multiple virtual compartments, and you rent one of the compartments. It’s also a type of shared web hosting but each website enjoys some liberty regarding the resource consumption. They are less likely to be influenced by the loads on others, but not completely immune to any changes.

Dedicated Hosting

In Dedicated Server Hosting, the complete resources of a rented server are available for you. As understood, you pay for it and it’s the most expensive than the above two. You can choose between full root access or managed plans. It’s all up to you. Dedicated hosting allows you to get maximum customization, configuration, installation and flexibility.

Business Hosting

Along with the power of a dedicated server, if you want to experience the flexibility and scalability of cloud server platforms like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud, this website hosting option is for you. Take advantage of the built-in business intelligence and analytics of the cloud service and tiered hosting plans to cope with the business demands.

Our Website Hosting Approach

Requirement Assessment

We collect information from you regarding the expected traffic, performance, technologies in use, storage, latency, security, and other aspects. It helps us guide you correctly regarding the selection of the web hosting service.

DNS Address Change

You get a Name Servers (also known as Domain Name Servers or DNS) along with the purchase. We help you change the DNS via the Domain Control Panel. We replace the existing Name Servers with the ones provided by your current web host.

Website Upload

We upload your website to your account by connecting to the server using either cPanel’s File Manager or FTP Client (such as FileZilla). We do it after adhering to the protocols to make your website available on the Internet.


We perform a review of the live website to make sure each and every component is intact and performing the intended roles. We make a check-list of errors or suggestions you may have. We take corrective measures and re-upload them.

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